Creating a healthy sleeping environment for our families is so simple yet we don’t always think about the little details.
Mattress and pillow protectors, we have all heard about these and we probably only use them for the kid’s beds BUT there is so much more to these than simply helping with the bed wetting and the clean up.
We have been using the PROTECT - A - BED pillow and mattress protectors for a couple weeks now and have been amazed at how good they are.
For our bed (Queen Size) I went with the Tencel Signature series mattress protector. Its super soft, comfortable and breathable. It keeps you cool during the warmer months and warm during the colder months. This protector is also ideal for those with skin allergies which was a must for us as hubby has skin allergies daily.
Now for the healthy sleeping... Do you know what gross things can end up in your bed? if you leave your bed unprotected, it can expose you to a wide range of allergens; including dust, mould and bacteria. One of the most common things during our sleep is perspiration (you see those yellow stains on your pillows or mattress? Well the average person can perspire up to 1l of water. yuk!) now also add skin flakes and every day spills (if you enjoy eating and drinking in bed too) that’s all food for the bed bugs.
With the help of Protect - a - Bed Mattress and pillow protectors all these gross things can’t be transferred into your mattress and pillow’s.
Another thing to consider is how often you wash your sheets, pillow cases and protectors. I highly advise these to be washed max once a week. Another little hot tip is to double up on your protectors. Having two on your beds can be a life saver, especially for the kid’s beds as you simply just need to remove the one should there be an accident and then you still have the 2nd one to keep the bed protected rather than waiting for the stained one to dry.
I hope this blog gives you some more insight on how to keep your beds healthy for your family, Id love to know in the comments below how you keep your sleep environment healthy and if you use bed protectors.
This Blog has been Sponsored by Protect - a - Bed. All thoughts and wording are my own and I have only shown what I truly love.