Preparing for a New Baby with Miniland Dolls

One of the most common questions I was asked after Andrew’s birth was how we transitioned from one to two kids and how Christie adjusted from being the only child. This was also one of my first concerns when I found out I was expecting Andrew, how Christie would take the transition as all kids can tell from early on that their world and life will change and that they will need to share everything with a new brother or sister. I touched on this a while back in another blog also.
As I was preparing, I asked around for advice and tips from other mum's who have gone through the same transition and let me tell you so many had had the same fears and concerns and so many had gone through the same thing. There are many different approaches and such amazing advise out there but the one common thing that most told me was that a gift from baby to the older sibling and from the older sibling to the baby was an amazing approach.
This is where Miniland Dolls were the perfect fit for us. Miniland Dolls come in 4 sizes, 21cm, 32cm, 38cm and 40cm and include baby dolls in the range as well as older looking toddler ones. We already had an Asian toddler one but now we decided to get Christie a baby doll one so she would be able to do exactly as I would with her baby brother but for her own little pretend baby.
Miniland Dolls are such life-like dolls. We knew that we were having a baby boy so I chose a boy doll for her which has all the features of a baby boy as well as a baby girl doll for Andrew so they would match. I also love the fact that Miniland have dolls from different races (Asian, Caucasian, Latin American and African) so Christie would be exposed to more diversity before going to school next year. It’s excellent preparation.
I also added some gorgeous outfits to her Miniland Dolls collection, some of which matched her own clothes and others that resembled her baby brother’s clothes. This way she would be able to change the doll’s clothes accordingly if it was hot, cold or had to sleep.
I also got her a vintage dolls bassinet which was similar to one I had for Andrew, along with a gorgeous high chair so she could feed her doll just as I did with her brother.
If you have been thinking about of how to prepare your little ones for a new baby I highly recommend the Miniland Dolls range. As mentioned they have both girl and boy dolls, from baby to toddler style and even racially diverse dolls in their line up which means you could choose a doll that would look like your child too. Oh and let’s not forget the dolls have an amazing scent to them.
These dolls and their clothes and toys also make for such amazing gifts for Christmas which is just around the corner or even for a great birthday present. There also many designers out there that design clothes and accessories for Miniland Dolls they are so passionate about the range.
Having a baby doll also helped Christie keep the jealousy of her brother to a minimum as she learned through her baby doll that a new baby needs more of mum and dad’s attention especially during the newborn phase. She was also able to build an association that as an older sister she would need to care for her little brother, just like her mum and dad do. Her motherly instinct kicked in straight away and she became so caring and nurturing of her little doll. She would feed it, change its clothes and nappy and even put it to bed.
Miniland dolls via Axis Toys - Toddler Girl - Boy / Baby Girl - Boy
Miniland Clothes via Axis Toys - Rain Coat, Summer Jumper Set, Blouse Set, Jumer set 2
Miniland Dolls clothes - Rumis Wardrobe - Tutut Dress, Pink Dress, striped romper, Patern Romper, striped top, blue skirt
High Chair - Tiny Harlow
Bassinet - Vintage
Wicker Suitcase - The Ivory Fawn
Doll Acessorie set - Make me Iconic
Doll Stacker toy - Axis Toys
This blog has been sponsored by Miniland Dolls and Axis Toys. All wording and Images are my own. I have only shown what i truely love and believe in
All images are the property of Georgina Georgiou - Wool and Willow and can not be used or published in any way without written consent